Lillooet Bridge

Lillooet Bridge

The existing single-lane bridge was installed in 1994 as a temporary structure until a permanent bridge was designed and constructed. The current single-lane bridge is a vital section of Highway 99, as well as a connector between the Village of Lillooet and the Cayoose Creek Indian Reserve. Year-round, an estimated 800-1,300 vehicles use the thoroughfare daily. The bridge serves local residents, as well as highway traffic, and is important to the local economy. A new, two-lane structure will support economic development in the Lillooet area by providing safer and more reliable access to the Lillooet town centre for commercial operators, local residents, and tourists. It will also ensure the smooth passage of thru-traffic.

Cable Concrete

Lillooet, B.C.

CC70 - 1654.1 m2 or 139 Pieces

Install Date:

MOTI (BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure)

Golder Associates Ltd.

DCL Construction Services Ltd.